Communicating your message…
Marketing collateral materials carry messages about a business and its products and service to customers and prospects, and are developed for delivery through multiple channels (e.g. print & online). Collateral material includes: brochures, newsletters, product data/fact sheets, 1-pagers, catalogs, presentations, white papers, etc.
Collateral material development involves the following activities:
- Assembly of relevant information – e.g. previously published materials, results of research – market, competitor, target market & industry
- Conceptual development – what the finished material will look like
- Content writing – crafting the message
- Design & layout – production of finished materials
- Output – printing and/or creating versions for electronic delivery methods
How we work with you on collateral material development:
Each project is unique. Client readiness, in terms of having all of the relevant material assembled, varies from project to project. First, we listen carefully so we can develop an understanding of your objectives. Then we evaluate the data and information you have assembled and assess whether more information is required. If additional research is necessary, we work with you to figure out solutions for getting it.
Next, we explore creative concepts and get your input. Once we have carefully extracted all the important details and all the questions have been answered, we are ready to begin developing the collateral materials.
Our work may involve the following activities (in draft or final version): writing & editing; conceptual development; campaign planning; and implementation plan. We also find contractors, obtain quotations from other service providers and use our entrepreneurial abilities to pull all the pieces together.
Allow the whole to become greater than the sum of its parts…
It is at this next stage, design and layout, that we offer clients some choices. We will produce the final creative work if it fits within the scope of our capabilities and your tastes. We are also quite happy to work with your creative agency to produce the final materials. If needed, we can also recommend a freelancer or agency that fits within your needs and budget.
Here’s where we can add value: As marketers we are adept at translating your vision into collateral material that meets specific marketing objectives, reinforces branding and positioning goals, and builds credibility for your brand. The subtleties of the preparatory work we have done with you leading up to this stage are now infused into the content that we may hand-off to an agency for completion. Our role then becomes that of your spokesperson, ensuring that essential marketing details are brilliantly translated by the creative professionals into the final collateral materials you envision. During this phase you can trust that we know enough about the creative design process, and have learned enough about you, your business, and the desired outcome, to act on your behalf should questions arise.
Samples of our work: presentations | start-up packages | brochures, websites, logos, other.
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